Portfolio Analysis
Today’s externalities, tomorrow’s risks and the day after’s losses
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Bubble size reflects absolute value of natural capital impacts
Impact: The change in wellbeing as a result of a company’s activities. Impacts are typically not accounted for by companies, but are externalities having a material impact on society.
Disclosed Data: Publicly available data disclosed by companies.
Imputed Data: Gap-filling by GIST Impact using proprietary algorithms.
Natural Capital Impact: Economic values measured in $ for physical and biological resources consumed by companies, the waste and other emissions from company operations and the limited capacity of ecosystems to support value chains. Generally negative values.
Human Capital Impact: Economic values measured in $ for the contribution of company training programmes and employee health and safety policies to employee physical and mental wellbeing. Generally positive values.
Financial Value Addition: the total financial contribution of a company to stakeholders as well as shareholders. Also known as GDP contribution. Generally positive values.
Intensity: Capital impact or value addition in $ per $ million of revenue.
Sector Benchmarks: Impact intensity measures for sectors provided by GIST Impact.
$: All references to $ are US dollars (USD).