GIST Impact wins ESG Data Provider of the Year – EMEA 2024. Learn more!

Access market-leading impact, biodiversity and other sustainability data.

Actionable, meaningful and science-backed data for corporate and financial services leaders.

With regulation and changes in the ESG market driving impact to the top of the global agenda, our data ensures that you stay ahead of the curve.

GIST Impact offers a market-leading range of impact, biodiversity, and other sustainability data – enabling a unique, holistic, and rigorous assessment of value at granular resolution, worldwide.

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Our data is:

What we offer

Historic and forecast data for 14,500+ companies across Natural, Human and Produced Capitals – with on-demand insights for private companies and SMEs.
Market-leading Machine Learning estimations for full data coverage.
Effortless benchmarking across 50+ sectors and industries.

Impact Data

Impact is the change in well-being across nature as well as society.

GIST Impact measures changes in well-being in monetary terms across four ‘capitals’: Natural, Human, Social and Produced.

Monetary impact valuation speaks the language of traditional financial analysis – facilitating a standardised assessment of sustainability performance, and ensuring comparability across sectors and regions.

Download impact data for the 50 largest companies

Common Industry Challenges

  • Data Gaps and Inaccuracies: Companies struggle to collect and report all the sustainability data that gives a clear picture of their impacts.
  • Lack of Location-Specific Insights: Companies often rely on broad assumptions that may not be applicable to a specific region or type of operations.
  • Difficulty in Measuring and Managing Externalities: Lack of disclosure and domain expertise makes it difficult to calculate costs and benefits that are not already priced in.
  • Incomplete Impact Assessment: Companies lack access to an objective, science-based view of materiality beyond the traditional emphasis on Produced capital.
  • Comprehensive data from 2016, with full traceability to source documentation for 14,500+ listed companies.
  • Market-leading machine learning estimations fill all disclosure gaps with unprecedented accuracy.
  • Software and APIs to value impact at company, subsidiary, business unit, and even asset levels.
  • Location-specific data for precise insights at 50km2 granularity.
  • Based on thousands of peer-reviewed scientific papers and robust economic modelling.
  • Transparent picture of risks and opportunities in monetary terms across all four capitals – for summary as an Integrated Profit and Loss Statement.

Biodiversity Data

Biodiversity is the foundation of resilient and sustainable economies – with companies and investors facing increasingly urgent demand to innovate while reducing their footprints on nature. 

GIST Impact measures nature-related impacts and dependencies in both monetary terms and using universally-accepted, science-backed metrics.

With over 16 years of expertise in biodiversity and in partnership with leading organisations, GIST Impact offers an unparalleled dataset for measuring nature-related risks and opportunities anywhere in the world.

Common Industry Challenges

  • Difficulty in Measuring Dependencies and Impacts: Lack of data and biodiversity expertise means that many companies do not have a clear and consistent picture of what dependencies on nature comprise and how they should measure them.
  • Inadequate Mitigation of Dependencies: An unclear picture of nature-related dependencies leads to ineffective decision-making and poor strategic planning in the face of hidden risks.
  • Incomplete Risk Assessment: Without deep and comprehensive data, companies cannot precisely assess nature-related risks and opportunities across time and on a global scale.
  • Compliance Requirements: Fast-evolving standards and regulations mandate new forms of data and command of latest sustainability perspectives – making it difficult to maintain efficiency and focus on value creation.
  • Comprehensive data solution to locate, evaluate and assess nature and biodiversity impacts, dependencies, risks, and opportunities.
  • Science-backed assessment of pressures on ecosystems via Potentially Disappeared Fraction (PDF) of species – also available as a Land Conversion Equivalence (LCE) metric for intuitive analysis in km2.
  • Universally-accepted measurement of state of ecosystems via Mean Species Abundance (MSA). 
  • Additional assessment of monetised impact on Natural capital across 14,500+ listed companies.
  • Unparalleled, location-specific data from 2016, for proximity analysis of >1.5 million operating assets to distinct risk areas.
  • Risk areas include: 273,000 protected areas (WDPAs), 15,000 key biodiversity areas (KBAs), and 125,000 IUCN red list species locations.
  • Granular biophysical risk assessment across 20+ map layers, down to 300m2 resolution.
  • Available metrics and assessments fully aligned with LEAP framework proposed by the Taskforce for Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD).

CSRD Double Materiality Scores

From 2024, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) puts a substantial reporting burden on up to 50,000 companies operating in the European Union – mandating a rigorous assessment of Impacts, Risks, and Opportunities (IROs) across company operations.

GIST Impact offers a state-of-the-art, data-driven approach to conducting a quantitative double materiality assessment in line with the latest CSRD requirements and European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS).

With 1,102 datapoints for each company to consider each year, the GIST Impact Double Materiality Scores provide a significant advantage to those undertaking the CSRD reporting and analysis journey – supporting rapid gap analysis and resolution with market-leading estimation models where data is unavailable.

Common Industry Challenges

  • Inadequate Expertise: Assessment of Impacts, Risks, and Opportunities is integral to the CSRD journey yet requires expert understanding and management of collected data.
  • Restricted Resources: Data collection and input can be time-consuming and costly, requiring the participation of multiple stakeholders across different divisions and regions.
  • Subjective Approach: Many companies still rely on a qualitative, stakeholder-centered approach – leading to inconsistencies and inefficiencies in data collection and management, and increasing avoidable risks.
  • Lack of Perspective: On its own, collected data gives no indication about company performance in relation to competitors or wider sector – as required for holistic strategic planning.
  • Double Materiality Scores (including Impact Materiality and Financial Materiality Scores) across 50+ sectors.
  • Coverage across all ESRS topics, sub-topics, and sub-sub-topics as outlined in Application Requirement 16 (AR 16) of CSRD.
  • Intuitive scores built bottom-up using quantitative company data and objective scientific research – fully aligned with EFRAG Materiality Assessment Implementation Guidance (MAIG).
  • Scores for 14,500+ listed companies as standard – with manual data input and score calculation available.
  • Transparent score methodology and full traceability to underlying data and source documentation.
  • Market-leading machine learning estimations fill all disclosure gaps with unprecedented accuracy.
  • Trend performance and industry benchmarking for data-driven strategy development.
  • Impacts in monetary terms for deep-dive analysis of Impacts, Risks and Opportunities (IROs) across a business and its subsidiaries.

UN SDGs Data

Set in 2016, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) have become the global polestar for guiding action on the most pressing challenges and opportunities facing humankind.

GIST Impact quantifies and allocates company impacts across the SDGs in monetary terms.

As a global leader in measuring and quantifying company impacts, GIST Impact offers an unmatched, science-backed dataset that offers granular insight into the UN SDGs.

Common Industry Challenges

  • Lack of Expertise: Gathering impact data and allocating it across the UN SDGs requires robust expertise in specialist data collection and processing.
  • Difficulty of Integration: It is necessary to quantify data in monetary terms to ensure comparability across sectors and regions, enable meaningful benchmarking, and integration into existing financial analysis.
  • A granular and science-backed dataset quantifying and allocating impacts in monetary terms across 17 UN SDGs and 150+ individual targets.
  • Comprehensive data from 2016, with full traceability to source documentation for 14,500+ listed companies.
  • Market-leading machine learning estimations fill all disclosure gaps with unprecedented accuracy.
  • Based on thousands of peer-reviewed scientific papers and robust economic modelling.

Environmental and Social Data

The environment is the bedrock of our well-being – and society is the structure that preserves it.

GIST Impact offers a comprehensive set of quantitative environmental and social data – across hard-to-find metrics, and with all disclosure gaps filled.

As a pioneer of science-driven, institutionally-backed research for 16+ years, GIST Impact has emerged as a trusted source for clear and actionable sustainability data that matters.

Download raw sustainability data (disclosed and estimated) for the 50 largest companies

Common Industry Challenges

  • Limited Access and Accuracy: Many metrics still go undisclosed, and clear mistakes can crop up even in official reports.  
  • Lack of Traceability: It is still difficult to plot a direct path from datapoint to source document, particularly at scale.
  • Comprehensive data from 2016 on 50+ quantitative Environmental and Social metrics.
  • Full traceability to source documentation for 14,500+ listed companies.
  • Market-leading machine learning estimations fill all disclosure gaps with unprecedented accuracy.
  • All data is verified for accuracy through a multi-step assurance process by a team of 50+ domain expert analysts.

DEI Data

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is the cornerstone of good governance and drives organisation performance.

GIST Impact offers a wide-ranging dataset that reveals DEI performance at multiple levels of granularity.

Quantitative data ensures actionable insights into DEI performance and enables guided strategic and operational planning.

Common Industry Challenges

  • Limited Coverage: It is still difficult to obtain a robust and comprehensive picture of DEI worldwide.
  • Benchmarking Challenges: Companies still struggle to gauge their DEI performance compared to sector and regional peers.
  • Coverage extends to 14,000+ companies.
  • A holistic DEI picture – with metrics including labour force composition, gender pay gap, women on boards (%), ethnic diversity of employees (%), and CEO pay-to-average pay ratio.
  • Trend performance and industry benchmarking for data-driven strategy development.
  • Translation of DEI metrics into monetary impacts on Human capital ensures a comparable and standardised assessment worldwide.

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Our clients and partners include:

Pernod Ricardubs
upsCape Capital
Yarra Valley Water
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