GIST Impact wins ESG Data Provider of the Year – EMEA 2024. Learn more!

A science-based solution to measure the biodiversity risks and opportunities of a company

Get a full picture of the biodiversity and nature impacts of your company and investments.

As the world’s ecosystems face increasing threats, investors  must consider the impacts of their decisions on biodiversity and nature. 

GIST Impact in partnership with the Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool is proud to offer a suite of science-based data products that provide an accurate and comprehensive picture of companies’ impacts and dependencies on nature.

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GIST Impact’s Biodiversity Edge

What we offer

Historic and forecast data (2016- 2025)
14,000 companies coverage
Peer group, sector and index comparison capabilities

Reported environmental raw data

Access a comprehensive set of over 60+ different environmental metrics reported by companies.

Key features:

  • Fully traceable to source (report, website, etc.)
  • Industry-leading machine-learning models to fill reporting gaps
  • Verified for accuracy by a team of expert analysts
  • Meets SFDR biodiversity PAI requirements

Natural Capital Impact Data

Account for a company’s positive and negative impacts on natural capital, in economic ($) terms.

Key features:

  • Understand a company’s impact on natural capital in economic terms, providing an easily comparable view of impact
  • Size the relative risk based on the latest peer-reviewed science and robust economic modeling.
  • Get a location-specific picture of local impacts, down to 50 x 50 sq. km granularity.
  • Measure natural capital impacts with confidence using methodologies fully aligned with EU and US natural capital accounting standards.
  • Verified for accuracy by a team of expert analysts
  • Account for a company’s positive and negative impacts on natural capital, in economic ($) terms

Potentially Disappeared Fraction (PDF) data

Understand the relative risk of species extinction as a result of a company’s operations.

Key features:

  • Fully traceable to reported data
  • Based on latest peer-reviewed science
  • Geographically sensitive data
  • Fully aligned with PBAF recommendations
  • Verified for accuracy by a team of expert analysts

Mean Species Abundance (MSA) Data

Understand the effects of a company’s operations on the health and resilience of ecosystems.

Key features:

  • Fully traceable to reported data
  • Based on latest peer-reviewed science
  • Location-specific to 300 x 300 m²
  • Fully aligned with PBAF recommendations
  • Verified for accuracy by a team of expert analysts

Biodiversity Risk Assessment

Assess nature-related risks and identify areas of opportunity in your portfolio using GIST Impact’s Biodiversity Proximity Analysis Data.

Key features:

  • Location-specific assessment covering over 20+ biodiversity and nature-related risks with granular resolution, down to 300 x 300m²
  • Evaluate the proximity of assets in your portfolio to over 273,000 protected areas (WDPAs), 16,000 key biodiversity areas (KBAs) and 125,000 IUCN red list species locations
  • Identify areas of opportunity for nature-positive initiatives and areas of risk for mitigation, adaptation and transition strategies based on quantitative analysis
  • Coverage of over up to 14,000 listed equities to help report on TNFD core and additional global disclosure indicators and metrics for nature-related risks and opportunities
  • Also available in the form of Biodiversity Proximity Analysis API to help perform assessments of private companies and portfolios
14,000 companies coverage
Peer group, sector and index comparison capabilities

Biodiversity Impact Analysis (PDF & MSA)

Account for a company’s positive and negative impacts on natural capital, in economic ($) terms

Key features:

  • Value flows of ecosystem services ($)
  • Measure against baseline scenarios and run scenario analysis
  • All key ecosystem services covered (Carbon Sequestration; Soil Conservation; Water Regulation & Provisioning)
  • Extended ecosystem services available
  • Analyse impact of land use change
  • Visualise results with maps

Ecosystem Service Risks & Benefits Assessment ($)

Assess all direct and indirect drivers.

Key features:

  • Value flows of ecosystem services ($)
  • Measure against baseline scenarios and run scenario analysis
  • All key ecosystem services covered (Carbon Sequestration; Soil Conservation; Water Regulation & Provisioning)
  • Extended ecosystem services available
  • Analyse impact of land use change
  • Visualise results with maps

Operational Proximity Screening (coming soon)

Download the GIST Impact’s Natural Capital Impact Matrix solution brief to learn more about:

  • Gaining unprecedented visibility into the natural capital impacts of your investment portfolios.
  • How the science-based analysis of sector and geography-specific impacts enables you to identify risks and opportunities across your holdings.
  • New ways to develop new financial products focused on nature and biodiversity conservation.

We bring our world-leading expertise in the Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) to enrich our clients’ knowledge of their impacts and dependencies on nature. 

Our Founder and CEO Pavan Sukhdev’s work on measuring biodiversity and ecosystem impacts has been recognised through several awards, including the Blue Planet Prize (2016) and the Tyler Prize (2020), often referred to as the “Nobel prize for the environment”.

Pavan is a UNEP Goodwill Ambassador, and was study leader of UNEP’s seminal study on The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB).

Partner with GIST Impact to measure biodiversity impacts and manage nature-related risks

Species Richness (PDF) data

  • Understand the major drivers of biodiversity risk in their portfolios
  • Compare their portfolio’s biodiversity performance against an index
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Natural capital data

  • Track portfolio performance over time
  • Measure your risk within specific drivers (e.g. water)
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  • Identify key drivers of biodiversity loss
  • Scenario analysis to inform operational decisions
  • Align net zero and nature strategic plans

Benchmark your performance across industries (12,500+ listed companies across 50+ KPIs).

“We may utilize the gifts of Nature just as we choose but in Her books, the debits are always equal to the credits.”

Mahatma Gandhi

Our clients and partners are pioneering companies and investors who prioritise outcomes over intent

Yarra Valley Water

And we are partnered with the best to scale our impact

Clarity AI
International Chamber of Commerce
natural capital coalition
value balancing

Get a full picture of the biodiversity and nature impacts of your investments.

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Please fill out the form to download our biodiversity whitepaper.

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