GIST Impact wins ESG Data Provider of the Year – EMEA 2024. Learn more!

Scale your impact with a trusted partner and let’s drive change together.

Our partners include consultants, technology and data providers, and world-renowned institutions. Together we are making impact economics a reality – united in belief that what you cannot measure, you cannot manage.

Scroll down to find out more about our partnership network – and get in touch with us to see how you can partner with us today!

Our market-leading biodiversity assessment is enhanced with one-of-a-kind datasets provided by the Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT).

We are partnered with the best to scale our impact

cebdsClarity AI
International Chamber of Commerce
natural capital coalition
value balancing
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GIST Impact is proud to partner with consultancies to streamline their impact assessment and advisory workflows.

KPMG needed impact data and platforms that are robust, easily-accessible, and aligned with the Value Balancing Alliance methodology in order to maximise the efficiency of their project teams and support their research and delivery workflows worldwide.

Providing ‘super-user’ access to its platforms and impact measurement toolkit, GIST Impact enables individual project teams across KPMG and its member firms to use transparent, efficient data and solutions in support of their delivery workflows at scale.


GIST Impact is proud to partner with consultancies to streamline their impact assessment and advisory workflows.

Systems 7, a Norwegian advisory firm, sought to complement its expertise in stakeholder engagement by working with a reliable data partner – to accelerate the production of CSRD compliance action plans for its private equity clients.

Leveraging its proprietary Double Materiality Assessment Tool, GIST Impact assists Systems 7 by calculating intuitive double materiality scores and using machine learning to estimate data gaps with market-leading accuracy. These CSRD scores form an objective, science-based foundation to the qualitative stakeholder workshops led by Systems 7, and facilitate the completion of CSRD disclosures with maximum efficiency.

Technology and Data Partners


GIST Impact works with world-leading companies to develop innovative products around emerging consumer values and regulations.

FNZ, a leading global wealth management platform, sought to differentiate its FNZ Impact solution for financial institutions – providing clients with hyper-personalised information around the environmental and social impacts of investment portfolios, and empowering portfolio optimisation around financial parameters as well as personal preferences and values.

Using a science-based approach to measure and value corporate impacts in monetary terms based on the ‘Four Capitals’ framework and mapped to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), GIST Impact provides a complete, consistent and universal perspective on materiality – enabling investors using the FNZ platform to drive capital towards the things they care about, on their own terms.


GIST Impact works with world-leading companies to develop innovative products around emerging consumer values and regulations.

Microsoft wanted to understand the outcomes and impacts of their social programmes at a local level using a robust, institution-aligned methodology.

In collaboration with Microsoft, GIST Impact created an impact measurement platform rooted in the Four Capitals approach endorsed by the Capitals Coalition. Employing GIST Impact’s advanced methodology and datasets, this platform provides a place-based understanding of outcomes and impacts, quantifying social and environmental value creation in economic terms.


GIST Impact works with world-leading companies to develop innovative products around emerging consumer values and regulations.

As an award-winning platform for searching, screening and tracking verified sustainability actions, attributes and credentials of suppliers, givvable sought to facilitate SMEs and supply chain managers to accelerate their sustainability journey via impact assessment.

GIST Impact has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with givvable to support supply chain leaders, enabling them to carry out impact profiling using the estimation, benchmarking and insights capabilities of our SME360X platform.


GIST Impact works with world-leading companies to develop innovative products around emerging consumer values and regulations.

Offering a SaaS platform designed to help companies manage their CSRD journey, Sustain it Right sought a quantitative, data-driven solution to streamline the first significant hurdle – the double materiality assessment.

Integrating its proprietary, quantitative double materiality assessment scores into Sustain It Right‘s iDMA solution, GIST Impact provides a transparent, science-backed and efficient assessment of corporate double materiality – fully mapped across all ESRS sub-sub-topics, and fully aligned with EFRAG Materiality Assessment Implementation Guidance.


GIST Impact enriches marketplaces and exchanges with innovative, one-of-a-kind data

As the operator of Canada’s largest stock exchange (TSX), TMX sought reliable and high-quality data for its ESG Data Hub – providing a wide range of sustainability datasets to support portfolio construction, enhanced investment strategies, and investment risk management processes.

GIST Impact provides market-leading environmental and social datasets for calculating corporate impacts – enabling TMX to differentiate its product offering and empowering investors to make well-rounded and informed investment decisions beyond financial factors.

Clarity AI

GIST Impact enriches marketplaces and exchanges with innovative, one-of-a-kind data

Clarity AI, a leading sustainability technology platform, sought a biodiversity data solution that helps clients to identify and size their exposure to companies with a negative impact on biodiversity – facilitating informed investment decisions and company engagement practices.

Leveraging its extensive experience and knowledge on biodiversity impact assessments, GIST Impact provides Clarity AI with credible data that is company-specific, geographically accurate, and offers the most holistic coverage of biodiversity impact drivers anywhere in the market – while being fully aligned with the recommendations of the Taskforce for Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD).


GIST Impact offers its datasets on the world’s leading data marketplaces – facilitating quick and easy testing and integration, with free trial access available and multiple data delivery methods.

Snowflake is a marketplace with over 580 providers offering 2,500 live, ready-to-use data, apps and products.

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GIST Impact offers its datasets on the world’s leading data marketplaces – facilitating quick and easy testing and integration, with free trial access available and multiple data delivery methods.

Datarade is a marketplace with over 500 providers offering 4,000 products for 100,000 monthly visitors.


GIST Impact offers its datasets on the world’s leading data marketplaces – facilitating quick and easy testing and integration, with free trial access available and multiple data delivery methods.

Amalthea is a specialised aggregator of climate and environmental data, catering to banks and other lenders.

Institutional Partners


GIST Impact collaborates with internationally-renowned organisations to deliver superior products that facilitate impact valuation and biodiversity risk assessment.

The IBAT Alliance is an alliance of world-leading organisations that have come together to create a web-based mapping and reporting tool used by companies, governments, researchers, and financial institutions to access global biodiversity datasets with which to make better decisions around the environment.

As another world-leading provider of biodiversity intelligence, GIST Impact integrates IBAT data on protected and red list species areas alongside its own extensive, proprietary asset location database, enabling investors and corporates to identify the proximity of their operations to biodiversity hotspots and to mitigate hidden risks.

International Chamber of Commerce

GIST Impact collaborates with internationally-renowned organisations to deliver superior products that facilitate impact valuation and biodiversity risk assessment.

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is the largest, most representative business organization in the world. Its over 45 million members in over 100 countries have interests spanning every sector of private enterprise – with a world network of national committees advocating business priorities and regional and national levels.

Driven by the ICC‘s commitment to accelerating sustainability and climate action, GIST Impact and the ICC have co-developed SME360X – a solution that supports organisations in engaging small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in their sustainability processes by offering a data disclosure and impact measurement platform that is fully aligned with regulations and frameworks such as CSRD and TNFD.


GIST Impact is a leading voice and reliable partner across an international nexus of research institutions, trade organisations, and rule-setting bodies.

The Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development (CEBDS) promotes sustainable development by conducting cutting-edge research, articulating with governments and civil society, sharing knowledge and providing innovative tools.

GIST Impact offers its advanced impact data solutions and expertise in natural capital impact measurement and biodiversity assessments to CEBDS member companies – equipping them with the tools and insights necessary to measure and manage their environmental impacts while aligning with global standards such as the TNFD.

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GIST Impact is a leading voice and reliable partner across an international nexus of research institutions, trade organisations, and rule-setting bodies.

The Value Balancing Alliance (VBA) is an alliance of multinational companies coming together with a common goal: to create a way of measuring and comparing the value of contributions made by businesses to society, the economy, and the environment – a metric not previously reflected in a company’s balance sheet.

Offering its I360X tool to VBA member companies, GIST Impact works alongside the VBA to standardise methodology for assessing corporate sustainability performance using monetary impact valuation – as well as to encourage companies to report more data, more consistently and transparently, for use in decision-making processes.

natural capital coalition

GIST Impact is a leading voice and reliable partner across an international nexus of research institutions, trade organisations, and rule-setting bodies.

The Capitals Coalition develops, advocates for and advances the capitals approach – collaborating with diverse individuals and organisations to accelerate the transition to a holistic understanding of value, and to transform decision-making worldwide.

As a member of the Values Commission, a signatory of the Values Accounting Network, and a contributor to the EU-funded Transparent Project, GIST Impact actively upholds the the capitals approach of the Capitals Coalition, and supports its mission to redefine value and transform decision-making at all levels of business and government.


GIST Impact is a leading voice and reliable partner across an international nexus of research institutions, trade organisations, and rule-setting bodies.

With campuses in France, Singapore, the United States, and the United Arab Emiratres, INSEAD is one of the world’s leading and largest graduate business schools – with over 1,500 students across degree and PhD programmes.

GIST Impact is proud to contribute to INSEAD education, research and outreach as it explores the intersection of business and society – and equips business leaders and decision makers with tools and frameworks that deliver positive outcomes for business, communities, people and our planet in line with globally agreed sustainability goals.


GIST Impact is a leading voice and reliable partner across an international nexus of research institutions, trade organisations, and rule-setting bodies.

Established in 2022, the International Foundation for Valuing Impacts (IFVI) grew out of the Impact Weighted Accounts Project (IWA) at Harvard Business School – which was founded in 2019 to prove that impact accounting is both feasible and valuable.

As a member of the Value Balancing Alliance (VBA), GIST Impact is heartened to see that VBA and IFVI have struck a partnership to develop one common impact accounting methodology for the public good.


GIST Impact is a leading voice and reliable partner across an international nexus of research institutions, trade organisations, and rule-setting bodies.

Social Value UK and Social Value India are part of Social Value International – the global network for social value and impact management, bringing together practitioners, organisations and changemakers from around the world with a shared mission to change the way the world accounts for value.

GIST Impact is thrilled to be a part of Social Value UK and Social Value India – fortifying our commitment to measuring and evaluating social value by aligning ourselves with globally recognised principles, engaging with a broader community of social value practitioners, and utilising the broad database of programs and tools that enable us to drive innovation in the realm of social impact measurement.


GIST Impact is a leading voice and reliable partner across an international nexus of research institutions, trade organisations, and rule-setting bodies.

Established in 2009, the WifOR Institute is a macroeconomic research institute and think-tank that conducts research in the areas of labour markets, sustainability, and health – seeking to initiate public discourse and developing valid, comparable data to make evidence-based decisions leading to a sustainable social, environmental, and economic development of global society.

In pursuit of an open and standardised approach to impact valuation, GIST Impact and the WifOR Institute are value factors and coefficients across 25 countries publicly available – alongside a framework and methodology that enables investors and corporates to begin their journey towards assessing their impacts on Natural, Human, Social and Produced capital.


GIST Impact is a leading voice and reliable partner across an international nexus of research institutions, trade organisations, and rule-setting bodies.

The Taskforce for Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) a market-led, science-based and government-supported global initiative – whose recommendations and guidance provide organisations with a risk management and disclosure framework to act on evolving nature-related dependencies, impacts, risks and opportunities.

As a TNFD Early Adopter – committing us to disclosures aligned with TNFD recommendation from 2024 onwards – GIST Impact believes in the strategic importance of nature for business, developing its data and solutions in alignment with TNFD so as to support investors and corporates to become nature positive.

If you would like to partner with us to scale our impact together please contact us.

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